My love with hair like dusted copper
And eyes like this Isle’s emeralds
Bids me home in one ear as the other listens
To elders singing of my home as if it is far away
As if their home is far, too.
As if I don't know that.
My love with her skin like rosy china
Her curves like these hills,
Remembers me to our valley,
Holds me like a singer’s hovering hand
Keeping time somehow
In the free rhythm of the ocean between us.
I wish in vain to fall upon the sand
Of our beach again.
The complexity of her ornaments
Betrays her home
A slow song air drifts over the ocean
I cannot read her graces and her melisma.
So through my rolls at night and turns of phrase
I sing to her at home,
stripped down to the barest melody.
Sin é.
Originally written c. 2017